International Speaking Event – Chantilly, France | 2018

Chantilly, France | CUGI

In September of 2018, Nikki Wagar presented a research study into increasing efficiency with database searching within a forensic laboratory latent print unit. The Cogent User Group International Educational Conference was held in Chantilly, France and attended by biometric professionals throughout the world.

Presentation Abstract: 

Latent Print Examiners throughout the world are taught how to launch latent print searches in biometric databases, but does that training regularly encompass the most efficient manner to search a latent print? And does training adequately address when enough is enough during database searching? This presentation will discuss a research study focused on developing a best-practices guideline for practitioners to better understand the capabilities and limitations of their CAFIS database system, and to optimize thoroughness and efficiency. Streamlined CAFIS searching, focusing on certain automatic and manual searching techniques will be addressed. With validation as an integral aspect of laboratory practice, this presentation will also delve into how an efficiency study morphed into a recent internal validation study of the CAFIS system. The benefits of shifting from a research project to a validation study, conclusions drawn, operational impact incurred from threshold-level system changes, and implications for reliability and efficiency will be presented.

We feel fortunate for the experience to travel internationally to share our research projects.

Thank you to CUGI!

Nikki Wagar


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